Fall Stewardship Drive: Our Money Story
Fall Stewardship Drive: Our Money Story
by Jill Capps
All member households will be receiving a mailing from the Stewardship Committee in early September regarding the Fall Stewardship Drive called “Our Money Story.” The mailing will include a personal financial commitment card, time and talent sheets, and youth pledge cards. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you will give of your time, talents, and resources to the ministries that are provided here at St. Peter Lutheran Church.
Bring these completed forms with you to worship on October 8th to bring forward during a special offering time in our worship services. Then, join us for an all church luncheon after the 10:30a.m. worship service. This will be a chance to rejoice in everyone’s investment in our church and celebrate all that our faith calls upon us to give.
Please note – Time and Talent sheets do not roll over year-to-year and need to be completed for each activity that you want to continue in 2024.
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