Fleece Blanket Project
Fleece Blanket Project
by Jill Capps
Save the Date—Blanket Sunday is February 18
February 18th is St. Peter’s 11th Annual Fleece Blanket Sunday. We will once again be making fleece blankets for the patients of MercyOne Hospitals in Des Moines. We’ve had great success with this project in past years and are look- ing forward to seeing how many blankets we can make again this year!
What is the Fleece Blanket Project? These donated blankets to Mercy One Hospitals are given to patients from newborns to people at the end of their lives. They serve as comfort and are enjoyed by all ages.
How Can I Help?
1. Donate fabric – 2 pieces of fleece (each 1 1⁄2 yards in size) makes one blanket.
2. Donate a completed blanket! Create a blanket with your family, friends, Bible Study, Mom’s Group, sports team, neighborhood group etc..
3. Sponsor a blanket by donating $20.00.
4. Help prepare the Fellowship Hall for the blanket tying event. (This will be done on Saturday, Feb. 17.)
5.Help on Sunday, February 18 during the tying event. Never made a blanket before? That’s ok – if you can tie your shoe you can tie a blanket.
Who do I contact with questions? Jill Capps at faithformation@stpeterofgrimes. org or Allison Newman at allisonknewman@yahoo.com
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