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Ministry Teams

Here to Serve


St. Peter’s Council has general oversight of the life and activities of this St. Peter Lutheran Church, and in particular its worship life, that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Pastor (who serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee). The Executive Committee considers confidential matters and such other duties as are delegated by the Congregational Council and is the Staff Support Committee and the Memorial Committee.

Members of the Executive Committee:  Pastor Mark Schlenker, Eric Soults, Carol Hemphill,  and Steve Schultz.

Christian Education

Provides opportunities for children and adults to grow in faith and our understanding of the Bible and the basic creeds, confessions and doctrine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Members of the Education Committee:   Elizabeth Hansen and Emily French


Provides opportunities to gather as the Body of Christ and minister to one another through fellowship and to reach out to share the Gospel with the world.

Members of the Evangelism Committee:  Rob Ridnour and Tim Schiller


Works to provide education and opportunities for responsible handling of the resources with which God has entrusted us individually and corporately.

Members of the Stewardship Committee: Blake Franzeen and Brenda Johnston

Worship and Music

Works to shape a worship experience that is grounded in the Gospel, true to Lutheran liturgical tradition, accessible to our community and relevant to contemporary struggles.

Members of the Worship and Music Committee:  Katie Scholl and Rita Rosenberg.

Buildings and Grounds

Works to ensure our facilities are safe, accessible, and welcoming by facilitating building repairs and updates.

Members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee: Jared Rokke and Todd Pugh

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