Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
to Jun 1 all day
SE IA Synod Assembly meeting held at Coralville, Iowa. Begins on Friday, May 30th through Sunday, June 1st. Synod Assembly - Coralville all day
6th Grade Confirmation Mtg 8:00 am
Worship with Holy Communion 8:00 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Worship/Communion |
6:45 pm
Boy Scouts #171 |
all day
Polling Place for Primary Election |
6:00 pm
Confirmation Dinner for 8th graders and parents Confirmation Dinner - 8th Graders |
1:00 pm
All women are invited to participate in this Bible Study being lead by Ruth Otto. Lydia Bible Study |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting |
9:00 am
Julie Bindel requested use of church for grandchild's baby shower. Shower will be held from 9:30 a.m. till 1 p.m. Extra time before and afterward for clean-up. Baby Shower |
all day
Pentecost / Confirmation 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:00 am
Confirmation Reception will be held between services and following the 10:30 service. Confirmation Reception 10:30 am
Worship Service |
6:45 pm
Boy Scouts #171 |
6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
6:30 pm
Bible Study |
7:00 pm
Church Council |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting | 14 |
all day
Father's Day 8:00 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Worship | 16 |
6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
6:30 pm
Bible Study | 19 |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting | 21 |
all day
130th Anniversary Celebration 8:00 am
Worship 8:00 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Worship | 23 |
6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
6:30 pm
Bible Study | 26 |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting | 28 |
8:00 am
Worship Service 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:30 am
Summer Bible Trek 10:30 am
Worship Service 6:00 pm
Cost is $10.00 Mini Golf & Ice Cream | 30 |
Tuesday June 24, 2014
Wednesday June 25, 2014
Friday June 27, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Sunday June 29, 2014
Cost is $10.00
Tuesday July 1, 2014
Thursday July 3, 2014
All women are invited to participate in this Bible Study being lead by Ruth Otto.
Friday July 4, 2014
Sunday July 6, 2014
Monday July 7, 2014
Friday July 11, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
following conclusion of VBS
Sunday July 13, 2014
Bring money to cover movie and concessions
bring side dish to share; meat, buns, beverages, desserts provided
Tuesday July 15, 2014
Wednesday July 16, 2014
Friday July 18, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Saturday July 19, 2014
Youth travel to Moore, Oklahoma
Sunday July 20, 2014
Cindy Gustafson reserved the fellowship hall and kitchen for a bridal shower in the afternoon for Kirsten Gustafson.
Tuesday July 22, 2014
Friday July 25, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Sunday July 27, 2014
Tuesday July 29, 2014
Wednesday July 30, 2014
Friday August 1, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Sunday August 3, 2014
Monday August 4, 2014
Confirmation Guide Training
Tuesday August 5, 2014
Wednesday August 6, 2014
Thursday August 7, 2014
All women are invited to participate in this Bible Study being lead by Ruth Otto.
Danika Watkins birthday party . . . Erik & Vikki Watkins - parents 883-0922 or 883-0921
Friday August 8, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Sunday August 10, 2014
reception held between services in honor of new members.
All are welcome to enjoy a delicious brunch between services and welcome our newest members.