Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:45 pm
Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held in the sanctuary with refreshments served after ceremony in Fellowship Hall Boy Scout Court of Honor |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:00 pm
Confirmation Service and Fellowship 7:00 pm
Education Mtg 7:00 pm
Men's Singing Group 7:00 pm
Games and Fun to celebrate End of Year Gathering for Middle School Youth Group Middle School Youth Grp/End of Year Gathering 7:15 pm
Guide Huddle |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 1:00 pm
All women are invited to participate in this Bible Study being lead by Ruth Otto. Lydia Bible Study |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting 8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool | 6 |
all day
1st graders will receive their Bibles at worship services on May 7th 1st Graders receive Bibles 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:20 am
Adult Education in Library 9:30 am
We will celebrate the end of a successful SS year with games, food, prizes and lots of fun! Join your children and help them travel from room to room testing their skills at our carnival games. SS Carnival 10:30 am
Kids sing in worship 10:30 am
Worship/Communion 11:45 am
Worship & Music Committee Mtg 6:00 pm
Grilling and games to honor our Seniors. All 6th - 12th grade youth invited Combined Youth Group/Senior Night 7:00 pm
7-week women's Bible Study called "Signs of the Kingdom: Studies in Matthew". Study books are $9. If you want to participate email Sonja Gerstenberger at Women's Bible Study |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:45 pm
Boy Scout Mtg |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 10:40 am
Preschool Mother's Day Tea 6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal 7:30 pm
Stewardship Meeting |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 10:40 am
Preschool Mother's Day Tea 6:00 pm
End of year review Confirmation Review 7:00 pm
Men's Singing Group |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 5:00 pm
Preschool Spring Conferences 7:00 pm
Church Council |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting 8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 5:00 pm
Preschool Spring Conferences |
all day
The youth of St. Peter will be hosting our annual garage sale on Saturday, May 13th. Funds raised from the garage sale will be used to offset costs for our Mission Trip this summer to Western North Carolina. If you have items you would like to donate to the garage sale, please drop them off in the church garage or reach out to Matt Schmidt and he can schedule someone to come pick them up from you. Matt can be reached via email at or via phone at 515-238-3053. Youth Garage Sale at St. Peter |
all day
Senior Recognition Sunday 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:20 am
Adult Education in Library 10:30 am
Worship Service 7:00 pm
7-week women's Bible Study called "Signs of the Kingdom: Studies in Matthew". Study books are $9. If you want to participate email Sonja Gerstenberger at Women's Bible Study 7:30 pm
Men's Group |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:45 pm
Boy Scout Mtg 7:30 pm
Evening Moms Group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Evening Moms Group |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:00 pm
8th graders confirmation dinner with parents Confirmation Dinner 7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool |
all day
SE Iowa Synod Assembly 6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting 8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool |
all day
SE Iowa Synod Assembly |
8:00 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Affirmation of Baptism Service 11:30 am
Reception following worship |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 10:40 am
Preschool Graduation/Field Day 6:45 pm
Boy Scout Mtg |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 10:40 am
Preschool Graduation/Field Day 6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting 8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool | 27 |
9:00 am
Worship Service |
all day
Church Office Closed |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool 6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
8:15 am
Small Miracles Preschool |