start 9930708Invalid Start Date
start 9930708
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
1 |
8:00 am
Worship Service 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:15 am
Sunday School 10:30 am
Worship/Communion 4:00 pm
FAITH5 Class 5:00 pm
JR High Youth Group 6:00 pm
SR High Youth Group |
6:45 pm
Boy Scouts #171 |
6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
5:30 pm
Soup Supper 6:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm
Ash Wednesday Service 8:00 pm
Speak Love Book Study |
1:00 pm
All women are invited to participate in this Bible Study being lead by Ruth Otto. Lydia Bible Study |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting | 8 |
all day
Youth Movie Night 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:15 am
Experiencing God Study 9:15 am
Sunday School 10:30 am
Worship Service 4:00 pm
FAITH5 Class |
6:45 pm
Boy Scouts #171 |
6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal 6:35 pm
Staff Meeting |
5:30 pm
Soup Supper 6:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm
Lenten Worship 8:00 pm
Mission Trip Mtg |
7:00 pm
Church Council |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting | 15 |
all day
No SS - Spring Break all day
NO Youth Grps-Spring Break 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:15 am
Experiencing God Study 10:30 am
Worship 11:30 am
Worship & Music Mtg. | 17 |
6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
5:30 pm
Soup Supper 6:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm
Lenten Worship | 20 |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting |
2:00 pm
will use fellowship hall and kitchen for Bev Coffman's 80th Birthday Party from 2-4 p.m. the family will have a supper at the church following the party until around 8 p.m. Bev Coffman's 80th Birthday Party |
all day
NO SS - Spring Break all day
NO Youth Grps-Spring Break 8:00 am
Worship Service 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:15 am
Experiencing God Study 10:30 am
Worship 4:00 pm
FAITH5 Class 4:00 pm
Speak Love Book Study |
6:45 pm
Boy Scouts #171 7:00 pm
March Book Club Meeting at 7 pm at the Chicken Coop. March Book Club |
6:30 pm
Quartet Rehearsal |
5:30 pm
Soup Supper 6:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm
Lenten Worship | 27 |
6:30 am
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. AA Meeting |
10:00 am to Mar 30
Confirmation Retreat at Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp CONFIRMATION RETREAT |
10:00 am to Mar 30
Confirmation Retreat at Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp CONFIRMATION RETREAT 8:00 am
Worship Service 8:00 am
Worship Service 9:15 am
Experiencing God Study 9:15 am
Sunday School 10:30 am
Worship Service 4:00 pm
FAITH5 Class 4:00 pm
Speak Love Book Study |
6:45 pm
Boy Scouts #171 |
Tuesday March 18, 2014
Wednesday March 19, 2014
Friday March 21, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Saturday March 22, 2014
will use fellowship hall and kitchen for Bev Coffman's 80th Birthday Party from 2-4 p.m. the family will have a supper at the church following the party until around 8 p.m.
Sunday March 23, 2014
Monday March 24, 2014
March Book Club Meeting at 7 pm at the Chicken Coop.
Tuesday March 25, 2014
Wednesday March 26, 2014
Friday March 28, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Saturday March 29, 2014
Confirmation Retreat at Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp
Sunday March 30, 2014
Monday March 31, 2014
Tuesday April 1, 2014
Wednesday April 2, 2014
Thursday April 3, 2014
All women are invited to participate in this Bible Study being lead by Ruth Otto.
Friday April 4, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.
Saturday April 5, 2014
Jahn Bartelt requested the use of the church for her granddaughter's baby shower.
Sunday April 6, 2014
EVERYONE is invited to come for BINGO at the church
Monday April 7, 2014
Tuesday April 8, 2014
Wednesday April 9, 2014
Thursday April 10, 2014
Friday April 11, 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings held each Friday at St. Peter Lutheran from 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.