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We invite you to join us on Wednesdays during lent for a soup supper followed by worship. Soup Suppers: 5:30 p.m. March 5-April 9: Supper will be served from 5:30-6:15 p.m. each Wednesday of Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday. Soup and other dinner items will be shared for a free-will donation, which raises funds for the […]

Lenten Study: The Hardest Part The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Join us for a Lenten study called The Hardest Part: Hurt We Carry, Hope We Find. Daily devotionals will be available inside the church entrance; all are welcome to take a devotional. Thursday Bible Study and Adult Ed will discuss the weekly group […]

We invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday worship service, on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30p.m. The St. Peter Youth will serve a soup supper beginning at 5:30p.m. on March 5th. Free will donations will help support the summer mission trip to Copperhill, Tennessee.

We have two Sunday worship services at 8:00a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday school for ages 3 – adult is from 9:15a.m.-10:15a.m. Adult Choir is held on Wednesday evenings from 7:15p.m. – 8:15p.m. Confirmation is held on Wednesday evenings from 5:30p.m.-6:30p.m. Children’s Choir is held on Wednesday, evenings from 5:15p.m.-5:45p.m. (K-2nd Grade) and 5:45p.m. -6:15p.m. (3rd […]

Join us on Sunday, February 9th following the 10:30a.m. worship service for our Semi-Annual meeting and approval of the 2025 budget, then stick around for a delicious soup lunch. The St. Peter men’s group and Evangelism team will be providing a variety of soups, just bring yourself and enjoy some fellowship time with other St. […]

Blanket Sunday Update February 23rd was St. Peter’s 12th Annual Fleece Blanket Sunday.  Thank you to everyone who helped with our 12th Annual Fleece Blanket Project! Whether you prepped fabric, tied blankets, donated fleece, or made a monetary donation, we could not have completed the blankets without you. Together, we were able to make 210 blankets that […]

Our Annual MLK Week of service was held on  January 15th-22nd. Volunteers came together to make 95 casseroles for the Salvation Army’s Mobile Breakfast canteen. These casseroles will feed 950 people who would otherwise go without. This year we had over 88 volunteers participate in the event including St. Peter members, friends of members, and a Mustang youth […]

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